Sunday, 21 February 2010

Shakespeare Primary Research

I went to the Shakespeare Globe theater I collected information about Shakespeare the tools and equipment they use to keep close to the history.

Got slightly wet it doesn't have roof! But the stage is stunning with marble effect painted on wood. Reds, golds and green gives it a rich luxury colours.

Inside the Globe Theater has a fantastic huge space and the tour guide explained that the used the same materials would of been used 400 years ago. The stage at the top of the ceiling is ment to represent heaven and the stage is earth and underneath the stage is hell(a bit of a interesting fact).

This is the amazing costumes used in the plays still set at the shakespeare time 400 years ago. The costumes are very theatatical and use exspensive materials like silk and used deep colours to show wealth usualy reds and purple would be used to show money roylatiy at that time. This will be looked at further for styles and colours for the sonnets reflect on this.

But also has an organic hand randered effect. Using what was used around them.

This is an example in the theater showing one of the sonnets but not as orignals. It has used an main image to contain on the subject mater involving the type of leaf. Also used calligraphy typography to show it age relating to Shakespeares history. But I like the use of ripped edge paper give more of an age to it.

Calligraphy typography splashed ink and smudges also give it a hand render fell just as the costumes and props used on the stage.

This is a postcard I bought from the Shakespeare Globe gift shop this is used in the same style but using bright colours makes it more modern and would attract younger audiences

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