Has worked for numerous publishers, advertising agencies, magazines, and friends. His style is very like comic style bright colours, child like drawing and fun.
He has also used film rolls and need to think How would film rolls work for my design?
This glass of water makes the lines bend and gave me an idea of using the same theory of using water to deterated the typography from the glass curves.
This is poster designed to show information of the University of art and design Lucerne. This gave me an idea of instead making the typography ice but a whole sheet ice this will give give me different prospective and ideas.
This is a very similar concept I am wanting to do, but as a melting typography not ice melting around the typography. But this also shows there are different ways of doing this.
the clockThe concept is too using how the audience react at gigs with hand up in the air. also been attracted to the light as something fascinating.
strong structure of 3d typography and also not fully using the whole entire shape of the typography but able to read what it says but as it is only one word it words but as a whole sentences that would be too much and spoil it.
Jessica creates quirky and fun design using illustrator and photoshop but also does hand rendered work.
The wood typography looks like if its lift up and gives a shadow. The layout in competition with the letters. It has a brilliant flow reading the title. There is defiantly a sense of play and creativity with her her designs.
His work is really stunning using simple shapes and colour to identify with the tv program. He takes off layers too make just to one think that everybody that watches the program understand the image.
When I was making my own logo with using RGB colours it gave me an idea of looking at old fashion beginning ads of cinemas. How I can relate with these old fashion musicals of the old fashion cinema's.
I remember they did that on kill bill it I'm finding it hard to find it on you tube.
But I manage to find a ad.
I really like how the number come up on the screen being upside and the different shades of greys an black makes it look authentic.
Making the typography shine makes it look really tacky, and how the it is also layered but would for my idea of making it modern and vintage twist. The film stripes also could work relating the length of my flyer.
These are fantastic research creating that style of cinema to my leaflet and poster and other promotional work. and I could also like to make a small indent 10sec if I have time. I f I could it would work really well.
The sketched illustration relate to the school answers and reads from level than a mature level using chalk boards as a school subject I need to research what year 11's do now in schools what so different today.