I have started my primary research looking at packaging of cakes in other supermarkets:

A lot of the Morrison's cake boxes are similar how they produce there packaging for the birthday cakes, Have a very simple bog slandered card box with assert ate over the top. Also they have considered who the target audience they are aiming for, example this is for a young girl round about 2-10 years old. Using bright pink colours and a teddy character. This is also aimed at parents or adults to buy for there naughters. Giving a stereo type of what A girl wants for a birthday cake.

Same again it is quick to decided which cakes are for who by colour and the subject. Prices are around £6-£8. Which is about the same price that country cakes charge.

Pete Yates the owner of Country Cakes LTD mention of having the slices in acetate which is a good idea and might be cheaper but not very recyclable.

Even though this is not for cakes, it's still really helpful to look at because of the the style which is not typically stereotyped for the audience of gender which I am looking for not be just for one particle gender. This packaging has a lot more consideration of good design. Marks and Spencer's have brilliant new designs, particle the marks and Spencer 125 years designs which look amazing and has a purpose showing how far Marks and Spencer's have become and using that to promote it with design.